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The SSP has put together a series of Challenges linked to the 5 Ways of Wellbeing for students (and staff) to engage with.  Challenges are suitable for completion either in school or at Home and are designed to be little and often over a longer period of time. (We have created a separate EYFS-KS1 and KS2 Version of the Challenges)

Rewards will be provided for students who complete 3 layers

Bronze (3 of each category) Silver (4 of each category) Gold - Complete all 25 challenges in total.

Pupils can even design and use their own challenge linked to any of the 5 ways 

We have provided Pupil checklists to track challenges completed / additional resource sheets and Videos of most of the challenges which can be accessed on the SSP vimeo channel (Link to be inserted)

We would encourage staff to get involved to model positive behaviors and to engage pupils in little challenges periodically as part of in school / home / live learning opportunities. Some schools may even set their own little competitions - and use enhanced methods to deliver the challenges such as photos / social media etc,


Support Videos Folder:

Support Sheets/Resources: