The SSP offers a Significant Membership model for local schools which provides multiple layers of bespoke school support.
We serve over 40 member schools - supporting them to deliver PE/School Sport and Physical Activity outcomes for over 12,000 pupils.
Our comprehensive membership model allows us to deliver a significant programme of events and activities with over 30 different activity/sporting opportunities per year.
In addition to this, the SSP offers a comprehensive layer of PE subject support and CPD, including mentoring for PE Leaders, as well as offering support around Health & wellbeing through our Healthy Happy Active programme.
The Partnership has several key delivery partners to support its work, including a direct link with the Norfolk PE Support Service to ensure a broad range of CPD opportunities are available for all.
The SSP continues to evolve to meet schools school's needs and will continue to adapt to engage new audiences as new initiatives and developments come along. With changes to national policy / health drives / Sport premium contexts etc.
For info please contact the SSP
t: 01603 264349