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Be Inclusive sport is for all!

Last Thursday we welcomed over 20 children for our YR7-8 SEND PANATHLON event at Taverham High School to support 60 active minutes.

The children were from 2 schools due to 3 schools unfortunately having to cancel due to a clash of events/staffing, but the children who attended had lots of fun and trying to achieve their personal best/try something new in 7 skilled-based activity stations.

A huge well done to all the SEND children who participated showing great attitudes and SELF-BELIEF (our schools games value for this event). A massive thanks Howard from Panathlon who delivered the event and the Taverham High School sports leaders who supported the event and encouraged the children throughout!

Winners Hellesdon High School and Runners up Taverham High School – congratulations to both who were brilliant and did their personal best to try score points for their team on all of the different activities they rotated round.

Thanks to Hellesdon High School and Taverham High School for allowing the SEND students an opportunity to participate in a school sporting event!

#ks3 #panathlon #send #inclusive #engage #schoolsport #schoolgames #physicaleducation #60activeminutes #sportisforall #creatingopportunities #youthvoice
#getactivestayactive #getintosport #activelifestyleisahealthylifestyle #healthybodyhealthymind #WNDSSP